A night of quality sleep is vital for your overall health. It helps to recharge different body processes, such as brain functioning. Further, much of the tissue repair occurs when you are asleep. Therefore after a busy day, you should aim for at least eight hours of sleep every night to achieve optimal relaxation. Despite long hours of sleep, if your breathing stops and repeatedly starts when you are sleeping, you may not get optimal relaxation.
In that case, you should consider Koreatown sleep apnea treatments to improve your sleeping patterns. While you could have many questions about sleep apnea, the following facts will enlighten your world about this condition.
Sleep Apnea Exists in Different Forms
The mention of sleep apnea can make you think that it is a single health problem. However, the reality is that there are different types of these sleep concerns. For example, obstructive sleep apnea occurs when mucus within the airways makes it difficult to inhale or exhale. Central sleep apnea is another form that ignites when the brain does not send essential signals to the muscles for effective breathing.
Snoring Does Not Always Imply Sleep Apnea
Some people claim that all people who snore have this sleep condition. While most people who snore loudly are diagnosed with sleep apnea, other conditions could trigger snoring. For example, the common cold can cause swelling along the airways. Consequently, you will have reduced airflow, which ignites snoring. It would help if you considered a proper diagnosis to pinpoint the exact cause of snoring.
Sleep Apnea Has Different Signs
Although you may not always know that you have this condition, sleep apnea has signs you might want to look into. For example, you could suffer from this condition if you feel exhausted during the day. Interrupted sleep due to snoring can inhibit sleep quality, leading to tiredness the next day. Loss of focus, mood swings, and frequent napping are signs of exhaustion that could lower productivity.
This Condition Correlates With Bruxism
Many people diagnosed with sleep apnea often clench their teeth, especially at night. You may wonder how the two health issues relate to each other. When you have obstructed airways, your body sends stress signals in response. Over time, these signals travel through the bloodstream, making the jaw muscles seize up. The tightening of this muscle will trigger friction between the lower teeth and upper rows.
Sleep Apnea Can Be Detrimental
You may think that sleep apnea only harms your teeth, but you are mistaken. When left untreated, this condition can trigger other serious health issues. For example, disrupted sleep can increase the risk of heart disease. Besides, breathing difficulties can deprive your brain of oxygen, exposing you too retarded brain functioning. Therefore, you should consider timely treatment if you notice sleep apnea symptoms.
Good sleep is a life changer. It helps boost your body processes, such as tissue repair. However, sleeping optimally cannot be easy if you have sleep apnea. This condition usually manifests through loud snoring due to obstructed airways.
Consequently, you will experience exhaustion the following day due to poor sleep. Worst, sleep apnea can trigger serious health concerns like heart disease, which threatens survival. The good news is that different treatments can help you get rid of this condition.