When someone needs an attorney, finding one isn’t the hard part. Advertisements are everywhere. They’re on thousands of highway and city billboards. They’re in the form of catchy jingles on TV and radio. Even social media has become an effective way to find legal representation.
That’s great for the potential client. What if you’re the law firm, though? How can you be sure you’re the group that grabs potential clients’ attention? With nearly 500,000 law firms nationwide, you need to set yourself apart. The question is — what tactics will work? Keep reading for a few methods that can help you stand head and shoulders above the competition.
1. Meet Clients Online
This might sound a bit like online dating. In a way, it is. The internet is likely the first place most potential clients go to search for an attorney. Do everything you can to meet them there. In this case, that means having a website that draws them in.
Be thoughtful about how you design your site. It’s the first impression a client gets of you, after all. Your site should be crisp and clean. Don’t crowd the pages with too much text or too many images. Make sure it clearly highlights your specialty areas.
And don’t neglect search engine optimization. Implementing strong law firm digital marketing practices before your site goes live will help your firm earn favorable positioning in the search engine results pages. Effective SEO uses specific digital marketing strategies and keywords to tell search engines what you do and who you are. It’s an effective strategy that can help ensure your firm will top the SERPs.
2. Get on Social Media
Despite the name, social media isn’t simply for catching up with friends and posting your latest recipe triumph. It’s also a place where businesses grow and build their digital reputations. Two of the biggest platforms for law firms are Facebook and LinkedIn. Although, if you’re edgy, producing content on TikTok could put you ahead of the pack.
It’s not enough to simply create profiles, though. Be active and add new content regularly. Craft posts that spotlight the services you offer. Use posts to highlight blog content on your site that answers prospects’ questions and demonstrates your expertise. You can also buy spots for sponsored content. Think of it as running an ad in an online newspaper.
Remember to check your social media analytics, too. Every platform collects data about how many people visited your profile and engaged with your posts. It’s a great way to figure out who’s looking at you and what services they need.
3. Highlight Yourself
It’s always fantastic when your client base grows through word of mouth. You can rely on that to a degree, but you also need to be proactive. Most people won’t know what makes your law firm unique or special if you don’t tell them. You’re likely already online with a website and social media. Use those venues to your advantage.
Set aside some space to spotlight your firm’s accomplishments. Tell people how many collective years of experience your attorneys have and how many cases they’ve won. Point to any particular areas of legal specialization that other firms might not have. Want to be a bit old school? Publish press releases when you win big cases. You never know who might see them.
4. Build Your Brand
When you see a Nike product, do you think “Just Do It?” What about McDonald’s? Are you already “Lovin’ It” in your head? Probably — and that’s due to effective branding. Branding encompasses the slogans and concepts people associate with a company or business. You need branding, too.
Maybe you build your brand around integrity, tenacity, or experience. Choose what works best for your firm and create a solid marketing strategy around it. Make sure your brand messaging is consistent across your website and social media. Your potential clients should know exactly who you are so they can pick your firm out of a crowded field.
5. Behave Consistently With Clients
Sure, every client is unique, and you’ll need to take particular steps to meet their needs. That doesn’t mean you should be a different law firm with every case. If a client comes to you based on a referral, they expect the same type and level of service the referrer received. So be sure you’re acting in a consistent manner, as it will impact your reputation.
It’s also a good idea to create some policies around client interactions. Provide training to all attorneys and legal staff. Everyone in the firm should know what’s expected from the first client meeting to the last. The key is to make sure each client feels respected at every turn.
6. Hire Solid Staff
Your attorneys might be the first thing that pops into a potential client’s mind when they think of your firm. Lawyers are only part of an effective legal team, though. Paralegals, records clerks, legal secretaries, and other professionals also work with you. They all affect a client’s experience, so be sure you’re hiring qualified people.
When one staff member doesn’t perform well, it taxes everyone else in the office. Client needs may start to fall through the cracks. With a solid team, though, you’ll build a reputation for excellence. You’ll see more growth over the long term and will stand out from other firms that may let things slide.
7. Make Your Pricing Clear
Honestly, clients expect legal services to be somewhat expensive. That doesn’t mean they want surprises in the price tag, however. Few things will drive clients away faster than tacking on unexpected fees to your bill. It chips away at their trust in you, and it could push them to look for another firm.
The best thing you can do is be honest and transparent about your prices from the beginning. Potential clients will be more comfortable if they have clear financial expectations. Consider offering a variety of payment options. This will show that you not only have the experience the client requires, but you’re also sensitive to their needs.
The legal field is crowded. To thrive, you have to set yourself apart. Follow these tips, and potential clients will see you go above and beyond your competitors.