Are you ready to set your eco-friendly side on high? School is around the corner and that means it’s time to prep for back-to-school. Whether you have kids in school or are headed back yourself, you might be thinking about how you can keep being kind to Mother Nature this school year. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to do just that. From investing in school uniforms for your kiddo and being a fangirl for used books to recycling old clothes and repurposing items from an old closet into something new, there are many ways to make your life as green as possible. But first things first…What exactly does “going back to school” mean anyway? If you need a refresher, read on!
What goes on during back-to-school season?
For starters, there is a lot of shopping involved. Back-to-school season is not only when you go shopping for your little ones in grade school or high school, but if you are a parent with younger children, you might need to shop for items for them as well. From school supplies to clothes and backpacks, there is a lot of shopping to be done. This is also a great time to look into getting your kids tested for any special needs and requirements they might have. If your child is in grade school, they might be ready for testing to see if they qualify for special assistance. If they do, this is something that can be carried over to high school, so it’s something to keep in mind.
Repurpose old clothes
If you’re trying to keep things eco-friendly and want to recycle your clothes or maybe you just have a ton of old clothes lying around, this is the perfect use for them. Instead of throwing your old clothes in the trash, repurpose them into something new. You can use them as cleaning rags, scrap fabric for a craft project, donate them to a local charity and more. If you have lots of old t-shirts lying around, you might also want to consider upcycling them. You can turn old t-shirts into cleaning rags, blankets, photo backdrops and more. If you have a huge collection of old t-shirts and are looking for a way to turn them into cash, you can sell old t-shirts online and use the money for something else, like school supplies and other necessities.
Buy used books
This one is super important for students and families. Instead of buying brand new books, consider buying used ones. This not only keeps your wallet in good shape, but it also is good for the environment. If you are looking to invest in some used books, there are plenty of options you can find online. You can also check out your local library and see if they have books you can borrow. If you are shopping for used books online, make sure that you are buying from a reputable company so that you know they are not selling fake or stolen books. You can also buy used textbooks if your child is in high school and taking classes or you are going back to school yourself. You can find plenty of used textbooks online for less than what you would pay for them new.
Get some eco-friendly school supplies
If you have kids in grade school, chances are they will need school supplies. Instead of buying brand new school supplies, consider getting some eco-friendly ones. You can buy reusable school bags, notebooks, pencils, pens, pencil cases and more. You can find many eco-friendly school supplies online and at your local school supply store. You might also want to consider buying your child a reusable lunch box or water bottle. This way, you are not only reducing pollution, but also reducing the amount of waste your child creates. This also helps save money, as you won’t have to buy new school supplies every year as well as new water bottles or a new lunch box every year. You can also look into reusable binders and other reusable items as well.
Recycle old items from your closet
Your kids have new school supplies, their school uniforms and used books. What else can you do to be as eco-friendly as possible when it comes to school? Well, try not to throw away your old clothing and other items from your closet. Instead, try to recycle them. You can donate them to your local charity or you can try to sell them online. You can also offer them to friends and family first before trying to sell them. If you are trying to sell old clothes, try to sell them in their current condition instead of trying to clean them up. You can clean them, but you don’t want to wash them too much as this can wear out the materials. You can sell your old clothes to a used clothing store or you can sell them online.
School uniforms for you and your kiddo(s)
If you are shopping for school uniforms, you are in luck. You don’t have to buy new uniforms for your child, as many stores sell used uniforms. This not only saves you money, but it also saves you from having to buy new uniforms for your child. If you are shopping for a school uniform, be sure to check out used clothing stores, online marketplaces and other similar places. You can also try to find a uniform swap in your area. This is where people who have kids and are done with their uniforms can bring them to a central location and leave them there. Other people looking to buy uniforms can then check out the selection and take whatever they want. This can help you save money and find used uniforms for your child.
Summing up
Going back to school doesn’t have to be bad for the environment. There are many ways that you can be eco-friendly and reduce your carbon footprint, whether you are shopping for your kids or you are shopping for yourself. From investing in used books to buying used uniforms, there are many ways to be eco-friendly and reduce waste.