Every couple goes through a phase where they doubt their relationship. They have ‘off’ days and happy days to fall back on. However, as per the American Psychological Association, 50-60% of marriages in the US end up in divorce or separation. What are the main problems or issues that influence such a scary statistic?
Life is unpredictable and we don’t know what’s in store in the future. What may seem good today might seem bad in another situation. Hence, you can least predict the future of your marriage when you’re already having issues right now.
If you’re in an unhappy marriage and you’re trying to educate yourself on the common grounds for divorce, keep reading.
Cheating or infidelity
When you cheat on your spouse, you are not just breaking the trust in your marital relationship but you’re also breaking your marriage vows. One of the most common reasons behind a failing relationship is cheating. The issues might be long-term or persisting or it can also be a one-night stand. Cheating inevitably leads to divorce as most couples fail to restore the lost trust in each other.
Not enough intimacy
In any kind of romantic relationship, physical intimacy is extremely vital. In fact, a couple needs to have enough intimacy and romance in order to maintain a long-term relationship. You have to spend good quality time with each other and show affection to your spouse. You should always do things that make the other partner understand that you care about their emotional well-being. Once this intimacy stops, this indicates the end of a love relationship.
Financial crunch
When you take your marriage vows, ‘for richer, for poorer’ sounds good but this can’t speak about the myriad of divorces that happen due to financial problems. Here are some of the ways in which finances can lead to issues in a relationship:
- Not agreeing with saving or overspending habits
- Financial uncertainty
- Problems with power dynamics due to various income
- One spouse having full control over your finances
- Dearth of communication
There are issues in communication that can lead to a wide array of issues but couples who don’t find a proper way of connecting with each other may find it hard to continue with the relationship. Hence, lack of communication is yet another common ground in divorce.
If one of the spouses in the relationship is battling addiction, this can be a tough trial for the person. When someone is fighting against addiction, it can end up hurting the people who are closest to them. While there are ways in which couples can fight addiction, it needs both parties to seek the help of a professional who can help the person through this journey.
Therefore, if you’re someone who is worried about whether or not to file a divorce, you should first check if your relationship is going through any of the above-listed problems. Get the help of a family law attorney in Delaware to complete the process smoothly.
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