Is there are some backdated stickers on your car you wish to remove? Removing the car stickers is not a hard task. Additionally, car stickers don’t last forever. Even though they come with great longevity, they will start showing signs of tear and wear after a couple of years. No matter if you install them on the windows or paint of your car, you can remove them without damaging the paint job of your car.
However, you need to know the proper steps to remove the car stickers without causing damage to the paint job. Even if you purchase various products from markets to remove the adhesive and get rid of all the visible signs of the stickers, some of them might harm the paint or affect the quality of the colors. Here are the top 4 steps you should follow to remove car stickers without causing damages to the paint.
Clean the Surface with Soapy Water
Dirt and other contaminants around the car stickers can scratch and damage the paint when you start cleaning the adhesive residue. Therefore, you need to clean the dirt and pollutants before starting the car sticker removal process. Use a high-quality sponge and soapy water to wash the decal along with the surrounding area. You can also remove the decal after washing your entire car thoroughly.
Use Heat
The next step is to use a hairdryer on the car stickers to weaken the adhesive. This way you can remove the adhesive of the car stickers properly. However, make sure you don’t use a heat gun as the extreme heat might cause damages to the paint job of your car. While using a blow dryer, set the temperature at the highest setting. This is because the heat of the blow dryer cannot damage the paint. After that, heat the sticker for two minutes. Additionally, don’t forget to apply heat on every edge of the stickers. As per Cotesautobody, a hot climate can damage the exterior of your car.
You can also use boiling water and pour it on the car stickers. But this step is a little bit complicated as you need to pour boiling water multiple times.
Peel the Sticker Off
After heating the car stickers, you need to complete this step immediately. Make sure you use a plastic card such as hard business cards or ban cards. Additionally, do not use a knife or any type of sharp object to peel off the stickers because it will damage the paint. If you had applied heat properly, a plastic card is more than enough to remove the car stickers. Starr from one edge of the sticker and continue working towards the other edges. Once you peeled off the edge of the car stickers, you can easily peel off the remaining portion.
Use Glue Removal
Once you remove the car stickers, you might notice some residue has been left on the surface of the car. This is not a worrying situation as you can use various glue removal products to remove the residue without damaging the paint. You can also use white vinegar as it’s effective at removing the residue.
These are the top steps you need to remember to remove car stickers without damaging the paint. Do you want eye-catching car stickers to change the appearance of your vehicle and promote your business? Contact us today.