The most widely used types of therapy are counseling and other behavioral therapies. Medications are frequently a critical component of therapy, particularly when used with behavioral therapies. Treatment plans must be frequently reviewed and modified to accommodate the patient’s evolving needs. There are many types of drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatments available in Atlanta. If you are considering a substance abuse treatment, you need to know the basics of each type of program. This article will discuss each option and help you decide what will be best for you. The rehab cost will depend on the facility, the type of treatment you need, and your financial situation.
Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment in Atlanta has advantages over inpatient care. For one thing, Impact Recovery Center Atlanta outpatient programs are much less restrictive than inpatient programs. In addition, it means patients can spend most of the day at home, continuing to work, going to school, or caring for their families. It also means that patients can remain in their homes while they undergo treatment, which can be a great comfort to some people.
Intensive outpatient treatment consists of group counseling and individualized counseling sessions. The program helps addicts learn new coping skills and resist drug use. This type of program is best for individuals with severe addiction issues and those suffering from mental health problems. Those new to the disease or in less severe stages are usually best served by outpatient rehabilitation. Intensive outpatient care consists of daily support groups, evening programs, family counseling, and social functions.
Partial Hospitalization
Partially hospitalized programs offer the same level of care as residential treatment but do not require the patient to live on-site. This type of program is often a good option for patients with supportive families who cannot be in the treatment center for the entire stay. In addition, patients in outpatient treatment programs can continue managing their addiction while attending to their normal daily routines.
Another type of treatment for people suffering from substance abuse issues is partial hospitalization. Partial hospitalization programs are less expensive than inpatient hospitalization but still allow patients to receive the life-saving therapeutic services they need to recover from their addiction. These programs are offered at many rehab centers in the Atlanta area. These programs are designed to help patients overcome their addiction, but they also help patients develop coping mechanisms outside of alcohol.
Long-Term Residential Treatment
There are different types of long-term residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment in the Atlanta metro area. Some facilities are designed specifically for young people, while others treat adults with more severe addictions. Some programs also provide ancillary services, such as peer support groups. While long-term treatment is not always necessary, it is the best option for the most severe cases of addiction.
The cost of treatment will vary depending on the location and the treatment needed. Some facilities are free of charge, and others require full payment or installments. Many people who don’t have health insurance or employer-provided insurance can pay cash. Some facilities offer Medicaid coverage to those who can’t afford the full cost of treatment. While the criteria for Medicaid coverage differ from state to state, those who meet specific income criteria have a better chance of receiving coverage.
Community-Based Treatment
There are two primary drug and alcohol rehabilitation types in Atlanta: inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient rehab involves staying in a facility with minimal distractions while on treatment. Outpatient rehab is the most common type of treatment for substance abuse. About nine out of 10 U.S. adolescents enter treatment for addiction through an outpatient program. Outpatient rehab is also a great way to get help for someone suffering from addiction. Treatment in outpatient facilities often combines several approaches to help the individual recover from addiction.