Self-defence is serious business, as it’s your life that’s at stake, so when you’re buying ammunition, you need to know what the best looks like. Now, in most gun stores, you’re going to see lots of 9mm ammo – as it’s really popular – but what of other options like Blazer 380 ammo?
There are some people out there that sneer at anything smaller than a .45, so when they look at .380 ACP, they tend to include it with all the 9 mm options. However, the question is – should it be?
The Stopping Power of Blazer 380 Ammo is Greater Than You Think
.380 ammo is slightly smaller than 9mm ammunition, so you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s a little weedy when it comes to stopping power. You don’t simply want to make an attacker angry with an ineffectual round, but when you look closer, you see that reports of 380 ammo weakness have been somewhat overplayed.
The 380 isn’t quite as powerful as 9mm – this is a proven fact – but in terms of stopping power, it’s not that far behind. Of course, you can’t realistically compare the lowly .380 to rounds like the .45, but it’s still remarkably effective and not nearly as weak as it’s been made out to be.
Having used .380 ammo myself for defensive purposes in the past, I can tell you that it more than did the job and I got out of one or two situations more than ably.
Minimal Recoil is Key Here
You see, in the heat of the moment, it’s often much less about stopping power and the ability to aim properly. It doesn’t matter as much that your Blazer 380 ammo has less striking power, as it’s a round that provides more of an ability to hit what you’re aiming at.
One of the advantages that come with a small round like .380 ACP is that produces less recoil – meaning that it’s much easier to be precise when firing multiple rounds.
It’s much better to hit your target with a 380 cartridge once than not at all with a round that offers more power. Evidently, it’s not quite as simple as just seeing who hits the hardest.
Blazer 380 Ammo – It’s a Caliber More Should Try
The reason why so many people chose to switch from a 45-caliber handgun to a 9mm is the same argument we’re making here for the 380. They offer less recoil and make it easier to hit what you’re shooting at – so why is it so difficult for some to make the same argument for the 380?
As far as I’m concerned, the 380 is not so bad and stopping power isn’t as poor as it’s been claimed. Add in the reduced recoil and you’ll see that this is a round worth trying at the very least.
Ok, so it’s not the sexiest round, but when the moment comes and you’re defending your family, you’ll be glad of the extra accuracy. It could end up saving your life – now there’s something to think about.