Even despite countless economic and global issues, we have experienced in recent years we can surely wholeheartedly agree that the last decade was very kind to female entrepreneurs. Over the last 20 years, the number of women running businesses soared by 114% and some estimations say that the number of female business owners sits at around 253 million which is more than a commendable number.
Still, calling a modern business landscape an entirely egalitarian playing field would be too optimistic. Even though they made a considerable impact on the corporate, the female entrepreneurs are still facing various obstacles and glass ceilings along the way.
Let us take a look then at a couple of tips that should help all the ladies in the business to overcome these challenges and use the specific role they have in the business world to their advantage.
Accept personal shortcomings
Being a woman in the world of business often means dealing with a lot of professional challenges and being held under very close scrutiny. What makes this situation even worse is that they tend to deal with these obstacles by avoiding any kind of risk that could possibly lead to failure or try to hide their personal shortcomings. Obviously, such moves usually lead to very poor decision-making and even worse results. That is why you need to be aware that all entrepreneurs are just human beings which makes them fallible. You don’t need to prove that you are different by running a company into oblivion.
Learn to say no when needed
This issue is usually related to the problem of insecurity we have covered in the first section. Be that as it may, a lot of female entrepreneurs will try to overcome their unfavorable position by demonstrating very unassertive behavior and creating countless professional and personal dependencies. Your goal should be to learn to say no and clean this slate as possible. So, review all of your decisions and see if they are made under some sort of unfavorable influence. If you notice some of the relationships that are working to the detriment of your company, cut them down. You will earn a lot of respect in the process.
Be as professional and meticulous
Taking a hard stance in situations that are not beneficial to your company doesn’t mean you will appear weak or submissive by nurturing the relationships that can serve your long-term goals. On the contrary, do your best to strengthen these bonds as much as possible and try to be as meticulous and professional as possible. If you are, for instance, unable to get your supply deals off the ground you can use trade finance loans to make sure the ties with vendors remain undamaged. Or you put more effort to provide killer CR service. All these efforts will paint you in a very respectable and trustworthy manner.
Support other women in the business
The business world is very harsh and relentless even if we completely take the gender roles and policies out of it. Wouldn’t it feel awfully refreshing if you broke up the pace and instead of throwing a wrench to the wheels of the ladies going through the same struggle lend a hand of genuine support? This can do wonders for your network, makes a lot of sense business-wise, and simply drives a good PR. It should be mentioned that this support doesn’t have to come in the form of investment or some other financial manner. Even something simple like a public shoutout can go a long way in making both parties look good.
Employ female labor
Of course, that doesn’t mean that you should pursue some ill-advised gender policy that will ultimately work to the detriment of your company. You should simply be aware that the labor market sometimes put female professionals at disadvantage and that failing to take these women into consideration will deny your company of countless talented workers. So, try to be inclusive even if we are talking about the positions that are not traditionally female-oriented – you will be surprised how many prospective job candidates you will find. An inclusive work environment also translates to very easy branding points.
Share your experience with other women
Ideally, you should do that in the form of a blog, vlog, or some popular social media channel. The benefits of such a move will be numerous. First, by sharing your struggle and experiences you had, you will pave the way for countless other women to follow in your footsteps. Exposing the issues of entrepreneurship from the female perspective can do a lot to increase awareness of these problems and hopefully even force local authorities to take some beneficial actions. On the other hand, this strategy will also raise your profile and leverage in the industry pushing your personal and professional brand to a new level.
We hope these few tips gave you some general idea about the strategies you use to leverage your role as a female entrepreneur and help your company set foundations for long-term success. Even though the business world is evolving with each passing day and female entrepreneurs are growing both in number and in prominences, these women are still experiencing numerous gender-based challenges. You shouldn’t be discouraged by this fact. Instead, be fierce, try to turn this situation to your advantage and, like famous Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius once said, the obstacle will become the way.