When it comes to promotion, you want to put your best foot forward. But what does that mean? It certainly doesn’t mean settling for bland, cookie-cutter corporate videos with cheesy voiceovers and clichéd shots of happy employees in cubicles.
Today’s savvy consumers know how to spot marketing trickery from a mile away, so you need to take your promotional material up a notch if you want it to stand out from the crowd. And one of the best ways to do that is by making custom video Viewmaster reels instead of ordinary corporate videos or slideshows—and here are five reasons why!
1) Delegate Tasks
You can’t do everything alone, and that’s especially true when starting a business. Delegate tasks to employees, contractors, or even friends and family to help lighten your load.
Not only will this free up your time, but it will also give you a chance to see who steps up to the plate and takes on responsibility.
2) Keep it Brief (or Shorter!)
The average person’s attention span is shorter than ever. So, when it comes to creating custom view master reels for your business, you need to make sure it’s quick, sweet, and to the point.
Keep your audience in mind and create something that will grab their attention and hold it long enough to get your message across. After all, you only have a few seconds to make a lasting impression.
3) Let Each Shot Speak Volumes
Camera work is a critical component of any video, but it’s essential for corporate and marketing videos. After all, these videos will represent your company to the world. So you want each shot to look its best and say something about your brand.
4) Consider Transitions and Movement
To keep your audience’s attention, your Viewmaster reels should have a good mix of static and moving shots. In addition, you can highlight key points in your business by using creative transitions between scenes.
For example, you could use a dissolve to transition from a scene of you giving a presentation to a group of people clapping. This would help underscore your importance as a speaker and thought leader in your industry.
5) Don’t Overuse Titles
You want your title to be eye-catching, but you don’t want to overdo it. A good rule of thumb is to keep your title under ten words. And make sure it accurately reflects the content of your post.
As long as you do that, there are no hard and fast rules on how many words to use in a title. It’s all about making your reader curious enough to click through and learn more about what you have to say!
Viewmaster reels are a crucial component of any successful business, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t countless opportunities to make it stand out in the crowd. So if you’re trying to get your business out there and get noticed by potential clients, consider these five creative custom reel ideas to attract the audience you want and keep them coming back for more.