Attending a born day celebration is easier than organizing one. And you must be extra careful when hosting a birthday party for your adorable pet pooch. Puppy pawties are more about food, drink, toys, games, and other pupper extravaganzas yet pet security will be a significant concern when you invite other pet families to join the glorious pet event.
Monitoring a bunch of bouncy puppies around is not so easy, but it is still possible. Pay a little attention to their whereabouts, sneaky antics, and other suspicious moves in the house so you can handle puppy disputes more efficiently if they arise (which is likely). You can’t rule out accidents, injuries, and other pet emergencies in a place loaded with fur babies.
These are some important reasons why you must consider purchasing a puppy insurance policy. Remember, top-rated pet insurance can help support your little pup with comprehensive health coverage. However, you can look at other cheap pet insurance plans that can provide your fur baby with basic health benefits at affordable costs – like accidental injuries.
While contemplating purchasing the ideal pet insurance for your pup, read this article to learn about four things you mustn’t miss including in your pet pooch’s birthday pawty.
1.Summon the puppy squad
Invite “the doggy gang” close to your four paws to light up their day. By the end of the celebration, your fur companion will thank you more than you can imagine for having their best fur buddies over in the house to participate in merrymaking.
What’s a fur pawty without four-legged creatures running around, gnawing bones, chewing food and treats, sipping water here and there, sniffing every inch of the house, having playful fights, etc.? While you focus on arranging snacks and other things for the fur babies, don’t forget to put up a food menu for their human companions. Well, it’s a party for them also, right?
2.Set up a puppy photo booth
Photo booths are a rage in parties hosted in current times. You can quickly make a photo booth backdrop by taking the help of DIY YouTube videos. Also, add some puppy pawty props that guests can conveniently pick up and pose with along with your furry little friend and their dogs. We are sure your pup will gain a major fan following when the pawty pics are uploaded to Instagram. Use custom hashtags so people can easily access them.
3.Plan enticing puppy games
Most spectacular puppy pawties include fun games in the party schedule. For instance, playing fetch, hide-and-seek, treasure hunt, engaging in interactive puzzles or games, navigating through a simple agility course, etc., are some activities your puppy’s mates can expect out of a born-day event they are asked to attend. Or you can even have some command-based games on the list.
4.Return gifts for dog guests
A bag of gifts for hometime can cheer up the furry invitees who might be sad to part ways. Consider tossing in a few chew toys, puppy hats, bandanas, juicy treats, etc., in a gift bag that fur babies can check at their leisure once they reach home after the puppy pawty.
Some puppy invitees respond calmly to rapid puppy-puppy or puppy-human interactions in a crowded pawty home. However, others can find the event overwhelming, especially if the party you plan to host is the first pawty of their lives. Whether or not your pup is at fault, many a time, accidents and other unfavorable incidents can’t be avoided.
So, consider buying a puppy insurance policy to potentially lower your puppy’s health expenses during unanticipated health events like accidental injuries. Top rated pet insurance can provide your furry little friend with broader health coverage. Assess your puppy’s health needs and explore various pet plans before signing up for a policy.0