When the winter chills are gone and the summer sun is up and shining, it’s time to plan outdoor events. And outdoor events are incomplete without outdoor tents! If you have been to tradeshows and farmers’ markets, you may have noticed the generous 20’x20’ heavy duty canopy tents. They perform the all essential duty of providing shade to people from the summer heat and occasional showers. But what makes the 20’x20’ tent such a preferred accessory? And why are they so durable? We answer these questions in this blog.
Let’s look at the benefits of having a 20’x20’ heavy duty canopy tent around.
- Spacious:The 20’x20’ dimension makes these custom canopy tents spacious enough to accommodate families and small groups of people. If you have a quick barbeque trip on your mind, or a small outdoor party perhaps, nothing will serve you better as a temporary shelter solution than this cool accessory.
- Easy to transport:Despite their generous size, the 20’x20’ heavy duty canopy tents are extremely easy to transport once they are packed. This is possible thanks to the incredibly lightweight materials used to manufacture these tents. They come with tent bags as standard accessories. Hence, carrying a disassembled tent is a piece of cake.
- Perfect for all event formats: The beauty of the 20’x20’ branded canopy tent lies in its optimum size. It is neither too big, nor too small. You can use it to construct your brand pavilion in tradeshows, both indoor and outdoor ones. You can also use it as your stand in farmers’ markets. Name an event, and we’ll tell you how a 20’x20’ tent fits into it. That’s how versatile these accessories are.
- Combine with other tents:You can combine a 20’x20’ with other smaller tents to create a nice, roomy enclosure exuding an indoor vibe – perfect for events like corporate parties.
- Cost-effective and Durable:People tend to mix-up cost-effective with cheap. For an accessory to be considered cost-effective, it has to be able to save you a lot of money in the long run. It might not be dirt-cheap upfront, but it certainly proves to be an asset. Cheap products often turn into liabilities over a period of time with burgeoning maintenance costs. 20’x20’ custom canopy tents manufactured by reputable manufacturers are cost effective and extremely durable – definitely an asset to own.
Now that the first question has been answered, let’s dive straight into the answer to the second question.
What makes the 20’x20’ heavy duty canopy so durable?
Well, the secret lies in the materials used to manufacture these tents. All through history we see tents being made from canvas, with wood for the framework. But in modern times materials such as PVC and polyester are used to manufacture tent canopies, and wood has been replaced by steel and aluminium for the framework. Let’s study each material a bit more closely and understand how they compare.
The Canopy
- Both PVC and polyester are manmade materials synthesized from polymers.
- Both materials block UV radiations easily. This makes their shade safe even in sunny conditions.
- PVC and polyester are perfect for blocking rain water.
- If you are a brand owner, or someone who loves tailor-made accessories, PVC and polyester are the materials to look for. You can ask your tent manufacturer to print graphics and logos on the canopy, or manufacture it in your favourite colours. They will be happy to oblige.
- Both materials are lightweight and hence easy to carry. Polyester is wieldier compared to PVC because it folds better and is slightly lighter. Polyester also feels classier to the touch, benefits of being a woven fabric.
- Add PU or polyurethane to the equation and things get even more interesting. PU is a modern material known for being tough and fire retardant. PU coated polyester is incredibly resistant to cuts and tears, and can resist fire as well.
Now you know why modern 20’x20’ custom canopy tents have such long-lasting canopies. But what about the frames?
The Frame
As we have already mentioned, all modern branded pop up tents have metal frames, the preferred materials being steel and aluminium. How do these materials compare?
- While steel does tend to rust when left to the elements, powder coating its surface does solve the problem. Aluminium, on the other hand, is naturally resistant to corrosion.
- Aluminium alloys are super-lightweight compared to steel, and this makes them materials of choice in industries as varied as aviation or tent manufacturing. Modern alloys of steel are also light enough to be employed in the tent manufacturing business.
- When it comes to strength, steel is better than aluminium. But that doesn’t make aluminium any less effective.
- All in all, both materials make for extremely durable tent frames.
Caring for your tent
When you buy a 20’x20’ heavy duty custom canopy tent from a reputed tent manufacturer, you get to own an accessory that’s bound to last for a very long time. Manufacturers tend to offer long-term warranties on their products as well, an indication of how good these products are. Having said that, you also need to take care of your asset. Here are some tips to make your tent last longer than usual.
- Always pitch your tent away from extruding tree branches. They can cause some serious damage to your tent’s canopy.
- Avoid boggy ground at all costs. Such surfaces not only destabilise a tent, they also cause rust to form on tent footplates.
- Clean all dirt and moisture on your tent before packing it. Check the frame to see if there’s moisture build-up in folds or corners.
- Store your tent in a cool and dry place when not in use.
Your 20’x20’ heavy duty custom canopy tent is built to last. It will serve you in the outdoors like a faithful companion for years and protect you from the elements. What’s more? It will also serve to promote your brand in tradeshows and exhibitions. All your accessory asks for in exchange for its services, is a little bit of care.