CBD oil can be a natural way to recover before and after workouts. Everyone needs a gym buddy. Someone who helps you get out the door and works hard with you.
Staying active is important for both mental and physical health, but if you want to make gains, you also need to give yourself time to heal.
The cbd oil and other products made from hemp could help you feel better before and after a workout.
What Is CBD?
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of more than 100 cannabinoids that are found in cannabis. Hempbomb’s CBD products are made from hemp, which is related to cannabis but has less than 0.3% THC.
Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that are found naturally in hemp (phytocannabinoids) and even in the human body (endocannabinoids).
CBD works with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to make most people feel more balanced and healthy. This amazing network of receptors is found all over the body and works to control how other biological systems work.
Cannabidiol doesn’t get you high and has many benefits without making you feel high like THC does.
Using CBD During Workout Recovery
If you work out often, you probably already have a way to help your body heal after a workout.
Whether you foam roll, stretch, meditate, or just give up and lie down on the kitchen floor, there is always a way to make the process better.
When it is taken care of well, the human body is an amazing living machine. Like any machine, the body needs to be taken care of and fed clean fuel for it to work at its best.
Adding CBD to your routine can help you get over the pain caused by exercise and other intense physical activity more quickly. If you don’t like the taste of hemp, you can even add CBD oil to a protein shake after a workout.
CBD products that can be put on the skin, such as muscle rubs or lotions, can be used to target specific parts of the body.
How Are You Sleeping?
Sleep is another important part of getting better after a workout. When you sleep, your body and muscles get the rest they need to heal and get stronger.
Your performance and recovery can be hurt if you don’t get enough sleep, but you’re in luck.
CBD is not a sedative, but it may help the body stay in a state of balance called “homeostasis” in a number of ways.
Stress Can Hold You Back
Deadlines, bills, not getting enough sleep, and other things can make you feel stressed all the time. Stress can have a negative effect on every part of your life, including your body’s ability to heal.
Exercise is a type of short-term stress that makes us stronger, but stress that lasts for a long time can be very bad for us both physically and mentally.
If our body’s resources are already used up from stress, our natural repair systems stop working right.
Getting your body and mind in sync can help reduce stress and improve your ability to deal with stressors before they hurt your health in a long-term way.
If stress is getting in the way of your performance and recovery, you may find comfort in CBD.
Professional Athletes Use CBD
CBD is very safe, doesn’t make people feel high, and is usually well tolerated by most people.
CBD has helped our most physically active customers and a growing number of professional athletes recover faster, focus better, and feel more in balance with their bodies.
Because hemp was illegal for many years and people didn’t understand what cannabis was, it was hard for athletes and anyone else to get the benefits of CBD. Changes made in 2018 are making CBD much easier for athletes to get their hands on.
Not only did the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) take CBD off its list of drugs that athletes can’t use, but the 2018 Farm Bill also made hemp and products made from hemp legal at the federal level.
THC-Free CBD Solution
Because THC is still against the rules for athletes, Hempbomb has made a line of CBD oil that doesn’t have any THC. The line of products is made for athletes and other people who want to stay away from the small amounts of THC that are naturally found in Whole-Plant CBD.
CBD oil is now easier than ever to use to feel more balanced in a busy life.