Everyone is looking for bargains these days, and it makes sense to try to hold onto as much of your hard-earned cash as possible when shopping. Online ordering offers shoppers a number of ways to save these days, but you may not realize that there’s also a lot of power in getting a quote instead of making a purchase outright. Below are three reasons to get a quote before making a purchase:
1. Quotes Set Expectations
One of the biggest reasons for getting a quote before making a purchase is that doing so allows you to set your expectations. For instance, if you were looking for a tilt trim switch or an adjustable tilt switch online, you could reach out to a tilt switch manufacturer like Select Controls to get a quote. Your quote allows you to get a clear picture of what you’ll be paying based on current availability in the market. This is because quotes are usually limited-time pricing options that are based on current supply and demand factors in a particular market.
2. Quotes Ensure Adequate Stock
In keeping with the above, supply and demand can have a big effect on how easy it is to get inventory at any given time. When you get a quote before trying to make a purchase, you and the manufacturer or suppliers can both ensure adequate stock exists to fulfill your order. This is advantageous when placing a large order or when ordering multiple items that need to be received by a particular deadline.
The real benefit here is that getting a quote first helps to avoid delays. If you don’t get a quote ahead of time and plan on items being available to complete a project or fulfill a purchase, you may find yourself disappointed when it comes time to make your purchase and items are unavailable. Your quote lets you know when you can expect your items and how much you will end up spending. Getting a quote also helps a manufacturer or supplier to manage its inventory to make sure your items will be available when you need them since other orders may be coming in at the same time.
3. Quotes Let You Compare
Getting a quote also allows you the opportunity to comparison shop. Traditional shopping, particularly on the Internet, provides this benefit in many cases as well, but it’s harder to comparison shop for custom items without a quote.
You may also be able to use your quote to negotiate a better deal. In some cases, having multiple quotes from different manufacturers gives you the power to use your quoted prices to ask for lower prices from other manufacturers or suppliers that you’re considering. This doesn’t always work, but at least with a quote in hand, you can give it a shot and potentially save money.
Things To Keep In Mind
As mentioned, quotes generally have a time limit attached to them. This is done so that a manufacturer or supplier can manage prices based on market forces. This is why it’s always a good idea to pay close attention to the fine print of any quote you receive. If you allow your quote to expire, you may end up paying a different price for the same items.
Also, ensure that you understand your obligations when receiving a quote. By and large, manufacturers and suppliers provide quotes at no cost and with no obligation. In some cases, however, you may need to sign a purchase agreement that is based on the quote you receive. Your agreement may state that you agree to purchase a certain number of items if the price meets specific criteria, so be aware of any agreements you sign when seeking a quote.